It’s easy to be lured by the promise of a huge sale price when talking to an agent, but this pie in the sky approach to selling your home can actually have quite a detrimental effect on the final price achieved.
Don’t fall for false promises…
No matter how much we wish it to be, as sellers and agents, we cannot control price in the market.
The market will always ultimately dictate price. Too many times have I seen agents in our area secure listings by suggesting exuberant prices, only to spend the next few weeks working their clients down in price so the agent can secure a sale.
Pretty easy to do for the agent once their client is stuck with them for 60-90 days and has already invested a few grand on marketing. If you see listings that have had large price drops … let this be a warning to you!
Put your trust in a high-level process…
As agents, we should be expert marketers and negotiators. We know we can’t tell the market what to pay, BUT we can influence price within the market. That is where process and positioning come into play to make sure you get that extra $10k or $50k.
It all starts with detailed planning and strategy leading to high level marketing to best position your property amongst its competition. This leads to more buyer engagement, which leads to more competition, and with an elite process executed by a highly driven Melville real estate specialist with expert negotiation skills you will ultimately achieve a better price.
Process will beat the promise of a price every single time, so beware of the agent that does not have a well thought out and detailed strategy of how they will get you the highest price.
This is where we outperform other agents time and time again. When it comes to your most important asset, we will work tirelessly to exceed your expectations and leave no stone unturned to maintain our record of 100% client satisfaction.
If you’d like to consider MGP Property for the sale of your home, call James today to discuss on 0447 120 125.